Durable and High Quality Sod Turf
Central Coast Sod insures you fresh, locally-grown products adapted to our local weather and soil conditions. We are the experts when it comes to growing sod on the Central Coast. Give our experts a call and we can assist you in the perfect sod for your unique landscaping needs.

BONSAI is the result of over 10 years of research and breeding to produce a durable turf grass with low maintenance, drought resistance and year-round green color.
This double dwarf, turf-type tall fescue is shorter, finer and darker green than any other commercially available variety. Bonsai has drought tolerance equal to or better than any other tall fescue you can buy today. Its dwarf growth habit requires much less maintenance, less fertilizer and less mowing.
Central Coast Sod insures you fresh, locally-grown products adapted to our local weather and soil conditions. We are the experts when it comes to growing sod on the Central Coast.

Coastal Triumph is a 50/50 blend of BONSAI and bluegrass. We have combined the fine texture, dark green color and deep-rooting ability of BONSAI with the regenerating ability and overall beauty of bluegrass to provide you with a grass that makes an ideal all-purpose lawn.
Coastal Triumph is slower growing which means fewer clippings, but it is the ability to self-repair and generate new growth that makes this an excellent choice for people with children and pets.
Central Coast Sod insures you fresh, locally-grown products adapted to our local weather and soil conditions. We are the experts when it comes to growing sod on the Central Coast.

Triumph 2. Tall fescue's make early, fast growing lawns and can provide a beautiful lawn with low maintenance. This grass specie is used in erosion control areas; country meadows plantings with wild flowers, and pastures. Fescue can be used anywhere a cool season all around general-purpose grass is needed. Tall fescue is a coarser bladed, dense, clumping grass that grows well in shady areas and is often mixed with other grasses for just this quality. It was brought to the US in the early 1800's for pasturage purposes and now grows in about 4/5 of our country. The fact that it stays green all year makes it more acceptable as a lawn grass. It has a dense root system and therefore a great tolerance to drought conditions. The older varieties are coarser textured and wear well. Fescue performs best in heavier soil with a lot of organic matter and grows in a large area of the USA. Tall fescue is a grass that can endure heavy foot traffic and wear. Improved varieties have been developed for higher disease and insect resistance along with other desirable lawn and pasture traits. All of these selections are available for planting from seed. Lawns are normally over seeded every year for thicker sod formation and to repair thinning areas in your lawn. When properly managed tall fescue can provide a green lawn all year round.